Spring Festival
Komm Heiliger Geist ~ Music by Johann Walter and the Bach family
Wellington School Chapel, South Street, Wellington TA21 8NT
9 June 2019 6:45pm
Johann Walter 1496-1570
Veni Sancte Spiritus; Nun bitten wir
Melchior Franck 1580-1639
Unser Leben währet siebzig Jahr
Johann Ludwig Bach 1677-1731
Gedenke meiner, mein Gott
Johann Bach 1604-1673
Unser Leben ist ein Schatten
Johann Cristoph Bach 1671-1721
Ich lasse dich nicht
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750
Komm, Jesu, komm; Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf
BEMP's Principal Musical Director JanJoost van Elburg brings the Bartholomew Consort of Oxford to complete the Spring Festival series in Wellington School Chapel. The Bartholomew Consort was established under JanJoost in 2001 with members drawn from all over the UK and the Netherlands. The group has performed regularly in Oxford and frequently visits other areas of the UK, including Scotland, the South West and London, as well as having travelled in Europe (France, Bulgaria, The Netherlands) on several occasions. In the South West they have performed in Buckfast Abbey on three occasions and were last the guest choir of BEMP in 2011.