A Choral Feast...1623

Sunday 20 August 2023, Church of St John the Baptist, Wellington

12 July 2023

A cappella Concert - more information  here

Four hundred years after the death of William Byrd, we still
delight in singing a huge number of his works. For him music was an
entire language, telling of the religious changes through his
lifetime as well as describing the lighter side of life.

1623 saw the passing of two other notable composers:

Thomas Weelkes, a prolific composer and organist at
Winchester and then Chichester Cathedral, by all accounts
a somewhat controversial fellow in Church circles.

Danish composer Mogens Pedersøn was the most highly regarded
musician in the court of Christian IV. He studied extensively in Italy
and accompanied the entourage of Anne of Denmark when she
came to England to marry James I of England and VI of Scotland,
possibly meeting William Byrd during his several years in London.

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